John Moore
Senior Front End Developer
Wordpress expertise in design easy to use sensible content editing through Advanced Custom Fields. Complex designs and content entry made easy.
Bespoke static sites with unique designs and content. Complex interactions with vanilla JS or even more robust with JS frameworks (Vue, Svelte or React).
Complex problem solving and a component library. Hooking up to APIs to generate a form for programmatically due to dynamic requirements.
Brief history of work
I went to school for IT and ended up studying programming. After some experience I found myself wanting some more creative outlets. Web development had an immediate feedback that I found instantly compelling.
After schooling I was able to get an internship at Blue State [Digital]. My experience there was immense and quick, throwing out half the stuff I learned at school for more practical solutions and experience.
After interning I was hired full-time and began my career. With an intention to learn everything I could I worked on so many different projects with many different tools, learning quickly and on the job.
Eventually my learning brought me to JAMstack work (specifically with Vue) and exposed me to Javascript frameworks. From there I was able to learn Vue and React on a wide variety of projects to bolster my programming abilities, nearly going full circle back to my programming days.